Highly Crystalline Films of PCPDTBT with Branched Side Chains by Solvent Vapor Crystallization: Influence on Opto-Electronic Properties
Fischer, F.S.U.; Trefz, D.; Back, J.; Kayunki, N.; Tornow, B.; Albrecht, S.; Yager, K.G.; Singh, G.; Karim, A.; Neher, D.; Brinkmann, M.; Ludwigs, S. "Highly Crystalline Films of PCPDTBT with Branched Side Chains by Solvent Vapor Crystallization: Influence on Opto-Electronic Properties"
Advanced Materials 2015,
27 1223–1228.
doi: 10.1002/adma.201403475Summary
We describe the novel crystallization of a conjugated polymer under solvent annealing conditions.
PCPDTBT, a marginally crystallizable polymer, is crystallized into a new crystal structure using solvent vapor annealing. Highly ordered areas with three different polymer chain orientations are identified using TEM/ED, GIWAXS, and polarized Raman spectroscopy. Optical and structural properties differ significantly from films prepared by standard device preparation protocols. Bilayer solar cells, however, show similar performance.