Xi-cam: a versatile interface for data visualization and analysis


Pandolfi, R.J.; Allan, D.B.; Arenholz, E.; Barroso-Luque, L.; Campbell, S.I.; Caswell, T.A.; Blair, A.; De Carlo, F.; Fackler, S.; Fournier, A.P.; Freychet, G.; Fukuto, M.; Gürsoy, D.; Jiang, Z.; Krishnan, H.; Kumar, D.; Kline, R.J.; Li, R.; Liman, C.; Marchesini, S.; Mehta, A.; N'Diaye, A.T.; Parkinson, D.Y.; Parks, H.; Pellouchoud, L.A.; Perciano, T.; Ren, F.; Sahoo, S.; Strzalka, J.; Sunday, D.; Tassone, C.J.; Ushizima, D.; Venkatakrishnan, S.; Yager, K.G.; Zwart, P.; Sethian, J.A.; Hexemer, A. "Xi-cam: a versatile interface for data visualization and analysis" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 2018, 25 1261–1270.
doi: 10.1107/S1600577518005787


We describe a GUI software package for analyzing x-ray data.


Xi-cam is an extensible platform for data management, analysis and visualization. Xi-cam aims to provide a flexible and extensible approach to synchrotron data treatment as a solution to rising demands for high-volume/high-throughput processing pipelines. The core of Xi-cam is an extensible plugin-based graphical user interface platform which provides users with an interactive interface to processing algorithms. Plugins are available for SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/GIWAXS, tomography and NEXAFS data. With Xi-cam's `advanced' mode, data processing steps are designed as a graph-based workflow, which can be executed live, locally or remotely. Remote execution utilizes high-performance computing or de-localized resources, allowing for the effective reduction of high-throughput data. Xi-cam's plugin-based architecture targets cross-facility and cross-technique collaborative development, in support of multi-modal analysis. Xi-cam is open-source and cross-platform, and available for download on GitHub.