Wide angle x-ray diffraction studies of nanocrystalline lead europium sulfide

Kelly, J.G.; He, W.; Somarajan, S.; Yager, K.G.; Dickerson, J.H. "Wide angle x-ray diffraction studies of nanocrystalline lead europium sulfide"
Materials Letters 2012,
89 198–201.
doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2012.08.093Summary
We study alloying in quantum dots, using wide-angle x-ray diffraction.
In this letter, we report the characterization of lead sulfide (PbS), europium sulfide (EuS), and lead europium sulfide (Pb1?xEuxS) nanocrystals using wide-angle x-ray scattering analysis. The results confirmed the high purity and crystallinity of the nanomaterials. In complement to previous studies on this family of ternary materials, the Pb1?xEuxS nanocrystals were well alloyed, with no evidence of phase separation, which bodes well for their implementation in optical and magnetic device applications.