AI News 2024-07-18

Research Insights

  • LLMs struggle with math and logic. There are efforts to add-in or train on logic schemes (symbolic chain-of-thought, symbolic solver). New preprint: Teaching Transformers Causal Reasoning through Axiomatic Training, demonstrates training on causal axioms can work.
  • Human-like Episodic Memory for Infinite Context LLMs. It is obvious that current LLMs lack the long-term memory that humans leverage to address new problems. This work tries to cluster tokens into episodes that are efficiently stored and later retrieved.
  • AgentInstruct: Toward Generative Teaching with Agentic Flows. Framework generates synthetic data for training other models, that is higher-quality and more diverse than prior methods.
  • Transformer Layers as Painters, analyzes how LLMs operate. They intentionally skip layers, or swap layer execution order (strong similarities to Tegmark’s “Stages of Inference” paper, c.f.). They find the LLM degrades gracefully, which suggests that every layer matters (is performing a distinct computation) but also that subsequent middle layers are operating on a common representation. They find that math-heavy tasks are most sensitive (biggest degradation). They show that middle layers can even be applied in parallel instead of sequentially (optionally looping over this parallel block). This could suggest some alternative architectures with faster inference.

AI Agents

  • Decomposing Agency — capabilities without desires. Goes through different possible splits between the crucial components for a fully-featured agent (goals, awareness, planning, capabilities). An important point is that one can build different kinds of agents, with subsets of these components. E.g. the high-level motivating goals can come from the human, such that the AI agent has no goals of its own.


Multi-modal Models


  • The Pantheon Interface is a new idea for how to interact with LLMs (live instance, code). In a traditional interaction, you prompt the bot and it replies in a turn-by-turn manner. Pantheon instead invites you to type out your thoughts, and various agents will asynchronously add comments or questions to spur along your brainstorming.
    • This could be an element of the human-computer interface for my proposed science exocortex (swarm of AI agents that help researchers).
    • Loom is a somewhat related idea, where one have LLMs created branched writings.


  • Nvidia MambaVision models use a hybrid mamba-transformer. State-of-the-art in performance and throughput. Can be applied to classification, detection, segmentation, etc.


  • This is a fun demo of using a physical interface to tune image synthesis model parameters, making it easier to explore the latent space.


World Synthesis



  • Andrej Karpathy has announced a new venture that will leverage AI to improve education. Eureka Labs will build AI teaching assistants to work alongside teachers in helping students understand complex topics. The company’s first concrete output is (naturally) a course focused on how to build an AI model (aimed at undergraduates).


  • Scaling Law in Neural Data: Non-Invasive Speech Decoding with 175 Hours of EEG Data. They synthesize speech using EEG data fed through a neural model. They show that performance improves continually as a function of dataset size (up to 175 hours; by comparison usually people only use ~10 hours of data). The lack of plateau in the scaling is good news in the bitter lesson sense: it suggests that there is plenty of available performance by simply scaling up known methods on more and more brain data.




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