X-Ray Scattering for Soft Matter Research at NSLS-II


Barbour, A.; Cai, Y.Q.; Fluerasu, A.; Freychet, G.; Fukuto, M.; Gang, O.; Gann, E.; Laasch, R.; Li, R.; Ocko, B.M.; Tsai, E.H.R.; Wasik, P.; Wiegart, L.; Yager, K.G.; Yang, L.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Y. "X-Ray Scattering for Soft Matter Research at NSLS-II" Synchrotron Radiation News 2023, 36 24–30.
doi: 10.1080/08940886.2023.2207449


We summarize capabilities at NSLS-II for soft matter research.


Tackling today’s challenges in, e.g., clean energy and climate, manufacturing, sustainability, and bio-preparedness requires novel complex materials with unprecedented control over structure and properties. Soft matter represents a class of materials that are essential to addressing these challenges, encompassing diverse systems ranging from molecular liquids, complex fluids, liquid crystals, nanoparticles, polymers, and biomacromolecules to multi-functional, composite materials, often bio-inspired, with hierarchical structural order across scales. Use of synchrotron radiation in characterizing soft matter began over four decades ago (e.g., [Citation1]). Since then, soft matter research enabled at synchrotron facilities has seen significant growth in terms of the variety and complexity of systems studied, the breadth and depth of scientific questions posed, and the advanced X-ray methods applied to address them. Today, soft matter researchers constitute one of the most active and productive synchrotron user communities, especially in the area of X-ray scattering. This article briefly summarizes X-ray scattering capabilities that are now available for soft matter research at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility located at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).